
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I GOT A JOB!!!!!

Finally after 5 months of searching, I have finally found a job. After sending out what seems like a million resumes (in actuality it was more like, a few short of 100, but not much short!)

It definitely was not what I was expecting, but I am excited nonetheless. My first day was on my Birthday, September 30th.

I am working for the Law Offices of Wayne McFadden in San Mateo. It's actually quite intersting the way I got the job. I was asking a sister in our church (Sister Mary Barragan) on help for answers on some supplemental questions, for a position with the city of San Leandro.

She gave me the corrected version of my answers, and then send's me an email to see if I would be interested in working at the Law Office that she works part-time for (She will be full-time come November 10th, and I can hardly wait!!!).

Apparently, she said that they would be letting their Receptionist of 17 years go for personal reasons this December. I told her "Why not?!"

She asked me what I was looking to make, I told her, and then she emailed me back to say that
Mr. McFadden had agreed to the amount. She also told me to call him.

TALK ABOUT NERVOUS! This was it! I mean the real deal! No more interviewing, no more looking for a job, no more sending out resumes. The time had come that I would be returning back to the working field.

Let's just say I was so overjoyed, and yet so nervous at the same time. I was really enjoying my time at home being a Housewife.

So I called him (September 25th), and he told me I would be starting November 1. I thought "Okay! Cool! I have a little bit more time to be at home, make sure my house is in perfect order...blah, blah, blah." I get a call from him later on in the evening that same day, and he asked me if I could start sooner, and get aquainted with the office, so that come November, I will not be lost as to what I am supposed to be doing. So I said yes I could start sooner.

Again I was excited, yet nervous. The night before I was to start work, I cried and cried, knowing that my time as a housewife was coming to an end, but I KNOW GOD TAKES CARE OF HIS CHILDREN!!!!

Two weeks later, I am better and still excited. The thing that really is exciting for me, is the fact that I am learning a new area in my career. An area that I feel will help me make myself more valuable as an employee.

Mr. and Mrs. McFadden area such wonderful people, and they are even Christians. So for me to talk about Jesus, and my testimony is okay! What more could you ask for?

Just like my husband Joel preached a couple of weeks ago; God is a timely God. He's not on time, but timely.

I'm not sure just how much longer we would have been able to survive without a paycheck from me, but God never failed us!!!! When funds were short, our Ebay business would do good.

It's a blessing to be a child of the King! He always takes care of His children!

One more thing I would like to add. Every job I have ever had, has always been handed to me.

When I worked for Warehouse music, I knew the Manager; when I worked for Trans-Box Systems, Sis. Serena worked there, and she gave a good word for me and I just started working, no interview or anything; when I worked as a bookkeeper in another San Mateo Law office, Sis. Mary just gave me the job; When I worked for the church, again I just started, no interview.

So why should this time be any different? God always led me in the direction He wanted me to go in. It's like I said in a couple other posts I would interview for positions, and interview again, but nothing every came of it, not even a rejection call saying "Thanks, but no thanks!"

Again, God led me in the path that He wanted me to go.

This job is a blessing! I am making $6.00 more an hour I was before!!!! Big pay raise huh! I know! GOD IS GOOD TO HIS CHILDEN!

With this job, it will enable my husband to quit his full-time job, work part-time, and go to school full-time.

I know that his going to school will be a sacrifice right now, but in 5 years, I will be able to stay home, and be a stay-at-home mommy!

I guess I should have titled this post as "God is Good to His children!", because He is.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Christian who never speaks of her Savior...

Catchy title huh? I was just thinking the other day that I have had my blog for almost a year now and have never really devoted a posting to the Lord.


So I decided that that had to change.

I was reading my Bible the other day and this scripture jumped out at me. I am not sure if it was really what I needed or just the simplicity of it that really got me to thinking.

I know that God does things for us that we do not always see, and that being one of His children has it's benefits. He has never forsaken us (Joel and I), even when we couldn't see a ways out of our situation. I am just so grateful that I am His child.

II Corinthians 4: 18

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Happy 25th Birthday Jesse!!!

How exciting it is to have a birthday spent with friends and family. Today Joel and I want to let you know how much we appreciate you (and your wife). Hope your day is filled with lots of presents and lots of love.

-Joel and Angela