
Friday, March 26, 2010

Our little stinker-Week 17

Yep, Baby W is the size of an Onion. I am sooooo excited. Last week I scheduled my Anatomy scan. April 12 we find out what the gender is, and take all those lovely measurements. The bad part...I have to drink 32 oz of water, and hold it for about an hour. Poor me!

So this week we put up our crib, you know like a tester run. I wanted to make sure that we had all the parts, as it was a hand me down. It won't be up permanently yet because it still needs to be painted. I was going to ask my dad if he can do that, he has all the stuff to do it.

What's new this week?

How far along: 17.1 Weeks

Maternity clothes: Still in my regular clothes. I have feeling I won't be "truly showing" until month 6ish. Either that, or I will be small and wide. :(

Total weight gain: 9.5 pounds (I would weigh myself with our scale, but I think it's wrong, so I'll just keept the Dr. weight)

Belly Button: Still an innie.

Best moment this week: Putting up the crib. ( still needs to be painted, as it is a hand me down)

Food cravings: Tomato's.

Food aversions: None in particular.

Gender: Not known yet, but I'm thinking it's a boy! Check out our video, and tell me what you think.

Crazy Dreams: Had a dream last night that I had ugly Grape colored stretch marks on my legs, only the were vertical up and down the

What I miss: Being able to fit my clothes properly (transitional stage is a bummer)

What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender.

Milestones: Baby is still kicking, and about 5 inches in length. Crazy how much they grow from week to week.

Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

Until next week,

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dr. Appointment on March 17th

So yesterday we had another Dr.'s appointment. Our Dr is so kind, and has given us an ultrasound with each of our appointments. This is a profile picture, and that thing sticking straight up is the arm and hand. It's amazing how much Baby W has grown (See our previous post for a comparison)Here is the latest videos from this appointment:

So until next week!

Monday, March 15, 2010

15 weeks and 4 days

Time is flying by. In a few days, we will be 4 months. Crazy! We have a Dr. Appointment on Wednesday, March 17th, where I will be one day short of 16 weeks. I am hoping that she will do an ultrasound, and be able to find out the gender of the baby. Well if not, we will have to wait until our 20 week scan. Right now Baby W is approx 4 in, and last night was moving up a storm, although you still cannot see it on the outside of the tummy.

This last week we went to Merced, CA for a church conference called "On Course". Let me just say, the preaching was so good. I felt refreshed and revitalized....rembering why I go to church. The only downfall I had, was trying to make sure that my church clothes would fit properly, as we cannot afford to purchase new clothing for me just yet.

On another note, here are a few stats on me and Baby W:

How far along: 15.4 Weeks
Maternity clothes: I’m still getting away with my regular clothes! I have noticed a rounding of sorts to the lower abdomen.
Total weight gain: 9.5 pounds
Belly Button: Still looks the same.
Best moment this week: Going to a church function, and being able to share our news with friends we haven't seen in a while.
Food cravings: Well, food....I'm always so hungry. But really, nothing in particular.
Food aversions: Nothing in particular.
Gender: Not known yet.
What I miss: Being able to fit my clothes properly (transitional stage is a bummer)
What I am looking forward to: Decorating the nursery, and finding out the gender.
Milestones: Baby is kicking, and 4 inches in length (according to books)

Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby’s legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can’t feel the movements.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Second Trimester here we come...

Yay! We are officially entering the second trimester. 14 weeks today. It's hard to believe that we are 1/3 of the way done. Occassionally I can feel a twinge, but not enough yet for others to feel. So the baby is measuring in around 3-4 inches in length. How exciting!

Next week is On Course, and we are excited about going, but I have noticed my clothes are A LOT tighter this week, which makes me nervous thinking about how many church outfits I have to make sure fit (with a potential gain in the waist within the next week). I wouldn't say it's a baby bump yet though. Honestly, it looks like I have gained some weight around the middle, or what I would call
baby chubbies.

I find myself unhappy with my changing shape though. I was a bit chunky prior to pregnancy, but now that I am in between "baby chubbies" and "baby bump", I am having a hard time accepting it. But I know that should be the least of my concerns.

In other news, it looks like I might be getting a temporary job. What a blessing that would be. It's with a company in Santa Clara, working 2-3 days a week (and temporary till April, but could possibly go longer). Pray that I get it. Finances here in the Willoughby household are already tight, and anything would help in preparation for the baby.

Also, here is a link to our last Dr. Visit/ultrasound. The baby was moving around like crazy and we caught it on film. It was so sweet!


As always,