
Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day 2011!

As we wake up this morning, free to do whatever it is we choose to do today, don't forget to take a moment to remember our fallen Soldiers that made it possible for you.

So I thank you for your service. Thank you for making this the "Land of the Free, and the Home of the BRAVE!"

Special thanks to the following active and retired service men and women:

My Dad: Alex Victor (United States Army, 1978-79)
My father-in law: Daniel Willoughby (United States Army, Vietnam, 1969-70)
My brother: Matt Wilkins (United States Marine, 2009-2010)
Cousin: Nicholas Grado (United States Army)
Cousin: Oscar Grado (United States Army)
Friend of the family: Archie Scott (United States Army, WWII, Beaches of Normandy)
Friend of the family: Michael States (United States Marines)
Friend of the family: Valerie Richardson (United States Army,Desert Storm)
Friend of the family: Omar Carroll (United States Coast Guard)
Friend of the family: Shyra Caroll (United States Army, Operation Iraqi Freedom)
Friend of the family: John Briones (United States Air Force)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A break and a comeback

Has it really been 6 months since I last blogged? My how time flies. No in all seriousness though, I was taking a short break to really decide if I wanted to continue blogging or not. Part of me still does not want to blog, but the other part, misses it. So today I will be making a short comeback to test the waters.

Here are a few things going on in the Willoughby household:
~ Josiah is now 8 months old, has 6 teeth (4 on top and 2 on bottom), rolling all over the place (he refuses to crawl).
~I'm still at home full-time. Loving my husband more each day for his sacrifice. I'm still couponing, and getting ever so much better at it.
~Joel is still very much loving his new found sport; golf.

I can't believe how time really does fly. It seems that Josiah was just born a short while ago, and boom here we are 8 months later. I am planning his birthday party already because I don't want to have to spend so much out of pocket all at once. Hence the early planning. I've found a few ideas from shindigz that I think will really make it look western. I'm hoping to also win a giveaway found here to help offset the cost too.

I'll check in later to tell you all the little details. For now, here is a picture of Josiah that we recently had taken.