Thursday, January 16, 2014

REVIEW: Buying bulk chicken from Zaycon foods. I highly recommend.

I have to say, to the average household who goes grocery shopping several times a week, buying 40lbs of chicken breast from Zaycon foods can be super scary (and downright wasteful if you don't know what to do with it.).  But with a little planning and a little prep time, you can make this,

turn into this,

Note: this is only what 20lbs looks like. So double what you see for a 40lb box.

My 20lbs made 11 meals. 3 meal portions of shredded chicken, 6 half breast whole, 3 meal portions of chicken cutlets, 2 meal portions of stir-fry chicken, and 5 cups of chicken broth. I only had 13oz of fat i needed to trim and about 1.5 cups of liquid waste. Well worth the price. This lasted my family of 5 (3 adults, two kids) for 2 months.

Last time I purchased a box, I split the box with a friend. Inside each box there are 4 bags of large chicken breast (each breast weighs about 16oz or more and they come with both halves together, so that is approx. 32oz) To say that you can share a single breast is an understatement. An average portion size in a restaurant and/or grocery store is about 5-8oz each.

I HIGHLY recommend buying from Zaycon. chicken taste wonderful. It's farm fresh, never frozen, hormone free, and usually straight from the slaughter house to your door step. No middle man or waiting to be packaged in grocery stores. The current price Zaycon is offering on chicken is $1.89/lb. Costco is approx $2.99/lb or more. Grocery store chains, may be closer to the price Zaycon is offering, BUT the quality that you get from Zaycon is MUCH better!

The awesome thing about Zaycon is that they not only have chicken, but ground beef, bacon, strawberries, and MANY more items. So if you are interested in signing up to see if Zaycon will be in your area, and what dates, go here. You won't be sorry.


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